
How Wedding Planning Is Just Like Building a Website

We’ve got a couple of fiancés running around the office right now. While we are excited about getting married, we are probably more excited that it’s not to each other. However, we have noticed that the planning is ridiculously similar to the process we use for websites. Are you ready for this giant metaphor?

Strategic Planning
Start a new folder notebook!
Create a style tile, complete with a color palette to define what kind of wedding are you looking for… i.e. big, formal, stuffy, casual, light, fun, traditional, intimate, nontraditional
Choose a photo direction
Make a list of the top 3 things you are both the most interested in seeing happen (separately)
Develop a manifesto or even just a list of words you want to describe your wedding festivities
Set your budget and stick to it
Find a way to agree and finalize these plans


Detail your timeline of weekend structure
Begin to build your decor/invites/flowers based on your style tile
Wireframe your venue set up
Book your partners vendors
Enlist the help of your team wedding party
Dress for success – find and purchase your attire
It’s starting to feel a little chaotic….
Make time to party
Give good feedback on what you do and don’t like – be specific and definitive!


Don’t stress…it’s almost time!
Distribute the detailed timeline of events to all vendors/planners/family as needed
Confirm all vendors are ready and have everything they need
Be patient while your visitors show up.
Take a deep breath and click launch take the plunge!
Give 1-2 weeks for the news of the marriage to propagate among friends



Author’s Note: No, that’s not THE dress. But I blurred it out anyways.